In this month's spotlight, we have the fun of a double feature! Meet the dynamic duo behind Desert Embers, a local purveyor of scents and all things self-care!
Sisters Angelina & Jess created their brand as a way to spend time together, share the joy of being present and mindful, and bring you the amazing scents of the southwest.
Tell us a bit about how you started creating your products and company?
Angelina- It all began when I needed a hobby. After spending five years in the military and becoming a new mom, we were finally moving back home to Arizona. My husband, daughter, and I had moved in with my dad and siblings while we searched for a house. My sister had just graduated high school, and we decided to start something together as a way for us both to stay busy and connected.
Jess- When my sister came back from the military, she and I were both looking for a hobby that slowly transformed into our love for candlemaking!
What is your favorite part of the maker’s process?
A- My favorite part of the process is watching an idea come to life. From brainstorming a new product or candle scent, to testing it, and finally seeing it all come together—burning safely, performing perfectly, and looking just as I envisioned—it’s a feeling that never gets old.
J- Being able to witness all of our creations come to life and the final product of something that we made from scratch and is special to me!

How do you go about starting new products, do you plan ahead or just jump right in?
A- I try to plan ahead as much as possible, but I often get so excited about a new idea that I dive right in, brainstorming and bouncing ideas off Jessica. Sometimes I need to slow down, and I’m working on improving my planning to stay more organized.
J- I prefer to have a well-structured plan in place, though flexibility is often necessary and can’t always go to plan. My approach is to address all key considerations before diving in.

Do you like a tidy work space or functional chaos?
A- I prefer a tidy workspace, but during busy market seasons and the holidays, I often find myself working in what feels like controlled chaos—not by choice, though!
J- While I value a clean and organized space, the reality of my lifestyle leans more toward functional chaos when it comes to the time I have available, ultimately it works out for the best!

What has been your biggest challenge as business owners?
A- My biggest challenge is accepting that I can’t do it all. As much as I’d love to offer a wide variety of scents, designs, and products in our shop, it’s not practical at this stage of the business with just the two of us and the limited space we are working in.
J- I think the biggest challenge for me is keeping myself accountable and motivated through the ups and downs of business growth.

What brings you the most joy outside of the studio?
A- Outside of the studio, my family and two daughters bring me the most joy. Everything I do is for them, and they’re what keeps me motivated.
What do you wish to see in the future to support artist owned small businesses in AZ?
A- I feel like Arizona does an incredible job supporting its small businesses. Places like MADE, bring us together to showcase our work, along with the fantastic markets and Fox News segments, really make a difference.
J- I hope to see a stronger emphasis on supporting the growth of small businesses. Building a community around these businesses can create a powerful domino effect, fostering mutual support for both established and emerging ventures. Additionally, I look forward to more small businesses sharing their unique creations and passions with the world.
Anything exciting in the works/coming up for you this year?
A- This year we are reducing our everyday collection events to make room for our fun seasonal scents. By keeping only our most popular items from the past few years, we’ve been able to streamline our offerings and plan better for the holidays and offer quality in all products we push out.
J- We consistently have innovative ideas in development, whether by enhancing existing concepts or introducing new ones. In 2025, our focus remains on staying attuned to the needs and desires of our customers, continuously evolving to deliver both solutions and improved versions of all we have to offer!
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
A- A little more about us: We’re more than just a candle company, we’re a self-care brand dedicated to bringing moments of relaxation into your daily life with scents inspired by life’s simple joys.
Every product we create is crafted with clean, safe ingredients, so with all the worries life brings, your candles are never one of them!
You can check them out around the web:
IG: @desert_embers